CHRISTCHURCH Carnival has announced which three charities will be its charity partners for 2024.

The chosen charities are Hengistbury Head Outdoors, Pink Champagne Breast Cancer Survivors Dragon Boat Team and The Listening Ear.

These Christchurch based organisations, chosen by the carnival committee team, will benefit from the money raised over this year’s Christchurch Carnival weekend running August 9 to 11.

Jonny Rayner, Christchurch Carnival director, who was also on the judging panel, said: “The quality of the Charity Partner nominations this year has been really high.

"It’s been very tough to pick out just a few of them. They are all so deserving of support.”

Fi Herbage, Christchurch Carnival committee member, added: “The panel felt that these charities each offer something truly meaningful and different to the local community.

“Raising money for these important local charities is a valuable way that we can help those most in need of support in our area.”

Hengistbury Head Outdoors (HHO) works to promote community participation in healthy recreation.

Simon Pitman, director of HHO, said: “With the support of Christchurch Carnival and our fantastic local community we can raise funds that will support getting the Hengistbury Head Outdoors centre open, with an immediate focus on safe and accessible access to the water, significant improvements to the changing and shower facilities, and making the site safe for people of all ages and abilities to use.”

Pink Champagne Breast Cancer Survivors’ Dragon Boat Team aims to inspire and encourage other breast cancer survivors, while stressing the importance of diagnosis and treatment.

Bournemouth Echo: Pink Champagne Breast Cancer Survivors’ Dragon Boat TeamPink Champagne Breast Cancer Survivors’ Dragon Boat Team (Image: Christchurch Carnival)

Karen Kelly, speaking on behalf of the charity, said: “Being chosen as one of the Christchurch Carnival Charity Partners for 2024 is an absolute honour and we are very grateful.”

The Listening Ear provides counselling and mental health support to children and young peoples aged 5-19 in schools across the BCP area.

Its director, Anita Weldon, said: “We have a large impact in the area and helped over 1200 kids with counselling and mental health support last year. So this extra visibility is much needed and really important to us and those we aim to help.”

Viv Charrett, Mayor of Christchurch and chair of the carnival committee, said: “We’re delighted that Christchurch Carnival is partnering with these wonderful charities.

"We’ll be working hard to make as much money for them as we can and to make a really positive impact to our local community and local people in need.”