A DORSET MP has been placed under investigation by Westminster’s standards watchdog. 

The parliamentary commissioner for standards, Daniel Greenberg, has launched a probe into Sir Conor Burns, the MP for Bournemouth West. 

He is alleged to have breached article seven of the principles of life for the “use of information received in confidence”. 

The rule states: “Members must only use information which they have received in confidence in the course of their parliamentary activities in connection with those activities, and never for other purposes.” 

Sir Conor was knighted in Johnson's 2022 resignation honours list and was sacked by Liz Truss after a "complaint of serious misconduct" was made against him following the Conservative Party's conference. 

However, he had his whip restored after it was found he had no case to answer to and told the Echo while under investigation it was “a living nightmare” as he always knew there was no wrongdoing. 

He said he was caught in the “crossfire of the dying days” of Ms Truss’s government, with him being “thrown to the wolves”. 

It is not clear when the probe will be concluded.