A MUM of two is infuriated after a Bournemouth school announced it is changing its school uniform policy, claiming it will cost the school roughly £17,000.

Stourfield Junior School in Stourvale Road, Southbourne, will introduce a new school uniform for September. 

The new uniform includes a tie and a knitted jumper costing £27 altogether. 

For each child at the school currently, the school has pledged to purchase each child one tie and a jumper. 

Bournemouth Echo:

Jessica Bain, a concerned mother, said: “The heartbreaking thing is that the school is so underfunded, they were asking parents for additional money to put trips on last week.

“We've been funding for books for the school, and that's not even additional library books.

“The children don't need a new uniform.

“The trust needs to look at a proper transition period and as the government website suggests, when you change uniform, consult with parents, pupils, and teachers to see what's affordable and what's going to be best for the children.

“Uniform should be practical, it should be comfortable, it just seems very unnecessary.

“It feels like the trust has reacted in an underhand way and not listened or brought the parents on the journey to get them on board.

“The parents are going to have to buy loads more uniforms because one tie and one jumper is not enough."

She added: “My youngest is starting reception in September, so everything that I've got for my older daughter can't be used that I've bought and paid for, it’s ridiculous.

“This policy imposes an additional financial burden on parents who are already struggling amidst a cost-of-living crisis.

“Existing uniforms that could have been passed down or reused will now be discarded into landfill sites contributing to waste and environmental degradation.

“There are around 600 children, this will cost the school approximately £17,000 which could be spent on books, and outdoor play facilities both of which have been recent fundraisers for the PTA.”

“£17,000 is so much money when the school has nothing.

"We are rightly upset, disappointed, and angry at the lack of respect and awareness."

Stourfield Primary School is part of the Twynham Learning group.

When approached about the uniform, a spokesperson for Twynham Learning declined to comment.

The trust added: “Twynham Learning does not believe that a uniform change in line with Department of Education guidance (last updated April 2024) to be a newsworthy story.”