PARKING restrictions and charges could be imposed on Bournemouth’s parks in a bid to keep the spaces for genuine users.

Meyrick Park, Kings Park, Queens Park, Slades Farm and Solent Meads have all been looked at by councillors who are concerned that free car parks are being abused by workers, football fans, school-run parents and other non-park users.

Different solutions are now being suggested for each location and will go before councillors on Bournemouth’s economy and tourism panel tomorrow.

In both Queens Park car parks, the recommendation is to restrict free parking to two hours and install parking meters for anyone wishing to stay longer.

This could have an impact on AFC Bournemouth fans who use both the car park at the golf club and the one opposite Fitness First for home games.

At Meyrick Park, the council is suggesting a time restriction of four hours during the working week.

At Slades Farm, the recommendation is to restrict free parking there to only three hours between Monday and Friday.

At Solent Meads, the council is proposing to have one hour’s worth of free parking in half the car park and allocate the remaining half to golfers.

Meters could also be installed there.

And in Kings Park, where it is particularly difficult to identify who is a legitimate park user, the suggestion is to enforce no parking areas and double yellow lines and allocate some parking areas for permit holders only.

Councillors will consider the options and they will decide which ones, if any, they want to put out to public consultation.

Cllr Ian Lancashire, who led the task and finish group, said: “This is all about ensuring that the people who want to use our parks can continue to do so.

“We want genuine users to be able to continue to enjoy our public open space.

“It’s really to stop the parks becoming massive free car parks.”