UK Government’s new mobile phone siren-like emergency alarm system (Bournemouth Echo, March 19) is we are advised being brought in to deal with national emergencies such as storms and flooding.

It will be tested for the first time on Sunday April 23rd.

All well and good but notably the national emergency of national emergencies is not being cited.

The view of international nuclear scientists this March using the Doomsday Clock model puts the world now at 90 seconds to midnight.

The closest we have ever been to nuclear war. Even closer than in the 1962 Cuban missile crisis when modern generations just don’t know how very close we were to nuclear war.

And now we have Russia moving nuclear strike missiles into Belarus. This on their account in response to ever rising Western arming of Ukraine including from Britain depleted uranium munitions.

Governments do not tell us the truth. After the 2003 Iraq ‘weapons of mass destruction’ war could anyone be in any doubt.

And same now for this new national emergency alarm system.

Why is government not citing in the list of emergencies nuclear war? Nuclear war which, at this time, eclipses any other conceivable British catastrophe many millions of times over.

But then clearly one and one only reason nuclear war is not listed. Government does not want to terrify the general population.

And that is surely all the more impelling reason why government spell out to the country the risks. Not lie and mislead as if the new emergency alarm system is nothing to do with ever rising nuclear war risks.


Jubilee Road, Poole