MY name is Barry Fincham and in the year 1963, I moved to Poole in Dorset from Norwich.

One of the most noticeable memory I have, were the Dorset road signs that indicated, “Poole was a beautiful place”. Those signs have long gone and it makes me wonder whether people today would ever believe those signs.

When I see the accumulation of rubbish and general waste along the road verges and walk ways and leisure areas, I understand when announcements are made that the British Isles is one of the most littered countries in Europe.

Is it that we are not teaching our children and adults, that litter should be placed in the proper reciprocals or personal bags, to be disposed of later? I do not consider it the sole responsibility of local authorities to clear the rubbish, deposited by the public, as it costs us money in higher rates.

Should this not be part of the school’s curriculum to teach everybody to clear up, especially their own litter!

I would like to see our conurbation comprising of Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole, recognised as the cleanest and de littered place in the British Isles.

I will continue picking litter up, as I have always done, but recently driving along the Upton Bypass and other areas, I have been shocked by the quantity of the litter now overcoming our beautiful Dorset verges.

Can you, as a council, put in place, a policy that will overcome the issue that is blighting our county, with the help of the public?