Businessman Michael Turner will fly back to Budapest next month to finally face charges in relation to an alleged fraud dating back almost seven years.

Michael, one half of the so-called Budapest Two, was extradited to the Hungarian capital with co-accused Jason McGold-rick, in November 2009, to help police with their enquiries following the collapse of their Budapest-based marketing company four years earlier.

However, in a move that angered UK supporters, the pair were immediately imprisoned, without charge in a former KGB prison while this investigation continued.

The men, who were extradited under the controversial Euro-pean Arrest Warrant, spent four months in custody before their sudden release in 2010.

UK legal experts argued neither man should have been extradited under a procedure supposedly established to deal with serious cross boarder crime and international terrorism.

Up until this month, Hungarian prosecutors had never officially charged either man in relation to any allegation.

Michael, from Corfe Castle, even voluntarily returned to Budapest, months after his prison release, in a bid to prove his innocence.

Now, the pair have been indicted and will appear before a Hungarian court on February 29.

Michael’s father Mark Turner said: “These are certainly dark times we are facing.

“We just don’t know what to think, but Michael has always insisted on clearing his name.

“This has just been going on for so long, it has been incredibly draining for Michael, Jason and both our families.”

In February last year Michael gave evidence to Parliament’s Joint Committee on Human Rights, which later produced a report calling for reform of the European Arrest Warrant.

After a series of Parliamentary debates towards the end of 2011, the Minister for Immigration Damian Green confirmed that the government was considering what action it should take on the issue.

Both Michael and Jason strenuously deny any wrongdoing.