A STUNNED shopkeeper found sensitive stolen children’s records scattered on the road near his shop.

Paul Skinner from Sunsation in Winton, Bournemouth was shocked to the children’s names, addresses, medical information and personal needs printed on the cards.

He told the Echo: “They were on the pavement and in the road just blowing around outside my shop and around the corner on Hawthorne Road.

“It had information about their jobs, when their nappies need changing, names of people looking after them.

“In the wrong hands this sort of thing would be highly toxic.

“It was just amazing to find them lying in the street.”

Paul found them on Thursday morning and phoned local doctors and the telephone numbers on the cards to find out where they should be returned to.

He handed them over to Joyce Green, the head of information governance for NHS Dorset.

A NHS Dorset spokesman said: “I can confirm that the records were given to a member of the local NHS who subsequently passed them to the appropriate authority to be returned to their rightful owner.”

A lady, who declined to give her surname, phoned to say the documents were taken from staff at her nursery on a trip out.

She said: “The documents were stolen from a padlocked box on a push chair.

“It’s been a nightmare.

“We have reported it to the police and we have informed all the parents.

“I have no idea how they got there.

“Maybe somebody has chucked them out of a car window. All we were trying to do was take the children for a nice trip to the beach.

“We have not actually done anything wrong.”

Mr Skinner has also made a complaint to the police about the way he was spoken to by officers.
Dorset Police did not comment.