AS a cyclist myself who abides by “cycling etiquette”, why is it that cyclists continue to blatantly ignore signage where cycling is not allowed thus giving those others a bad reputation.

The chine paths are an excellent example how some cyclists behave in a ignorant manner.

Not only myself but others have frequently experienced hostile responses from these cyclists; when they are politely reminded of the signage... such replies could not be printed.

I hear you ask ‘why not report it to the local police on the beat’? Well on one occasion a pedestrian did so to a community police officer as he was cycling at speed down Alum Chine.

The response from said police cyclist, “can’t stop I’m in a hurry”, narrowly missing an elderly lady with a dog in doing so.

Finally who will fund the cost of any injuries to others in a “cycle” accident? Because this has happened... not the cyclist, I bet.

We all share the Chines (as an example) but please can those cyclists show a little respect.

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