CONCERNS have been raised over 'youths causing extensive damage’ at a sports ground in Southbourne.

Bournemouth Police visited Seafield Gardens on Saturday morning to speak with residents, The Friends of Seafield Gardens and representatives of the bowling and tennis clubs which use the ground. 

Issues were flagged with officers which included anti-social behaviour and vandalism.

One ‘persistent concern’ was youths gathering to play football or ride bikes on the bowling greens and causing ‘extensive damage’.

Bournemouth Police said: “This is disheartening to all those who love Seafield Gardens and who help to look after it and preserve it for the future.

“I am aware that the current focus is on improving/providing a proper football pitch for the enjoyment of all.

"Clearly this will take time and money, so until then I would urge all football loving teenagers to keep away from the greens and to refrain from being verbally abusive when asked to move on.

"Seafield Gardens is open for all to enjoy and Southbourne NPT (Neighbourhood Policing Team) will continue with foot patrols in the area.”