POOLE care home residents grabbed sponges and buckets to wash cars to raise money for a good cause.

Residents at Elizabeth House on Dolbery Road took part in the fundraiser as a fun activity planned as part of the home’s events for Dementia Action Week, which runs from May 13 to 19, 2024.

All donations from the day went to the Alzheimer’s Society.

The home also cooked up burgers and hot dogs on a barbecue for people to tuck into while waiting for their cars to be cleaned by the residents and care home team.

Peter, who lives at Elizabeth House, said: “It was nice to get everybody outside, and it was nice for us to all sit together and have a chat in between washing cars.

“I washed my own car many times over the years, as I started driving at 16, as I needed to learn to drive for work.”

Elouise Powell, home manager for Elizabeth House, said: “We had a fantastic response to our event. It was great to see the residents having fun and getting involved in washing the cars, which is something they would have done in their everyday lives.”