There’s nothing like family slaughter to really get the juices going.

It’s pretty much de rigour in revenge gaming, but you don’t create violent pathological hatred by spilling your drink in our subject’s lap. No sir, that’s only achieved by offing those closest to him.

So not much has happened since the last Protoype, in which our previous hero Alex Mercer managed to make himself look quite the villain in getting to the bottom of why New York inhabitants were suddenly changing into large-muscled zombie monsters. Infected himself, the Blacklight plague gives Mercer nifty powers instead of grotesque monsterism.

Enter loving father and buffed-up soldier (naturally) James Heller, who arrives back home just a tad too late to save his wife and child from nastiness. Hellbent on tracking down Mercer, Alex instead gives Heller a taste of super-power awesomeness and convinces him in the process that public enemy number one isn’t such a bad chap after all.

And we’re back on familiar territory, only sporting a different face and trousers.

It’s revoltingly good fun to run about smashing the absolute hell out of the enemy and their easily carved-up helicopters. Such is your power that very little can stand up to your might. Which is good for a cackle.

This means we don’t have much of a challenge in front of us. It’s all very easy to wave your enormous lobster claws about wreaking merry havoc, and there’s little in the enemy’s basket to test how hard really you are.

But by golly if you don’t enjoy yourself as you scatter soldiers into the sky and slice up aircraft like they’re made of tinfoil, you should probably stick to your potplants.