I HAVE seen numerous productions of this classical ballet, but this has been one of the most enjoyable.

Not only have they followed the original story but have enhanced it with superb dancing by the entire corps de ballet.

The life-like doll, Coppelia, created by the toy-maker Dr Coppelius, captivates the flirtatious Franz to the despair of his fiancée, Swanilda.

So while Franz seeks to gain entrance into Dr Coppelius’s house by means of a ladder, Swanilda and her friends find the key to the house and enter by the front door.

Inside the house are numerous life-size automatons that the girls set into motion.

Swanilda discovers Copelia is a doll and takes her place to make the Doctor believe his doll has come to life.

Dancing the part of Swanilda is Ekaterina Shalyapina and the point-work and pirouettes were excellent.

Sergey Kuptsov as Franz performed spectacular spins and leaps.