CHARLES I and his peers wearing dogs on their heads, dressage horses in cupboards and Margaret Thatcher arriving in hell.

Welcome to the gloriously nonsensical world of Eddie Izzard.

I have to admit the comedian lost me a couple of times during the last of his three shows at the BIC, his account of Robin Hood finding biscuits in a Dutch television advert getting lost on me.

But that’s the nature of the beast with him and you have to go with it.

Izzard, wearing a suit, heels and nail varnish, starts off on subjects like the Olympics and the Tour De France semi-seriously and in a totally compelling way before it all unravels.

He had me laughing out loud uncontrollably at times with his stories of Lord of the Rings characters smoking cigarettes instead of pipes and those impressions of dressage jockeys “parking” their horses in cupboards was hilarious. You had to be there.