MOST people approach tribute acts thinking they will be alright and it will be a fun night out, but this act goes above and beyond any expectations.

Ben not only looks like Michael Jackson when he is up there, but he moves like him, sings like him and even talks like him.

It is described as more than a tribute show and it really is.

I took a friend along with me - she is the biggest Michael Jackson fan I know, so I knew if it was not perfect she would not hold back in her criticism.

She did not have to. She praised everything about this talented man, and her constant smiling spoke more than words could.

Ben covered hits such as They Don't Really Care About Us, Bad, Black or White, Beat it, I Want You Back, ABC, Billie Jean - full costume and perfect moonwalk included; Man in the Mirror, Earth Song and of course the infamous Thriller - with werewolf back up dancers who descended into the crowd causing a few screams of shock.

This act was polished and Ben was just as charismatic as the idol he portrayed - Michael came back for the audience through Ben, his hard work and dedication to keep the King of Pop alive in our hearts.