THE Bournemouth Gilbert & Sullivan Society’s spring show is an original comedy written and directed by Penny Crichton-Seager.

It features characters, music and songs from the Savoy operas including HMS Pinafore, Pirates of Penzance, Ruddigore, Patience and Iolanthe.

Sir Joseph Porter, ruler of the Queen’s navy, and a rollicking Pirate King are each in possession of half a treasure map and both are searching for the treasure. Sir Joseph was played by John Gerken and a fearsome Pirate King by Michael Preen.

A fight ensues and the local constabulary are called in. Eventually, the two halves of the map are brought together and the treasure chest is found underneath HMS Pinafore.

The singing was excellent under the direction of Jean Holt, although the Sea Shanties were not of Sullivan origin.

The Society’s next production will be Patience at the Lighthouse, Poole in October.