THIS play is billed as ‘A Steamy Comedy’ and it most certainly lived up to its name. Set in a ladies-only health spa with a staff of gorgeous men willing to tend to the ladies every need... I’ll leave the rest to your imagination. The cast worked hard to bring the play together but on the preview night there were some technical problems, particularly with the microphones which made it difficult to hear some of the dialogue.

There were some bitter sweet moments from Darren Day as Gordon as he learns of his cancer. The rest of the cast did their best with a difficult script but they were not helped by David Van Day as the owner of the spa who did not engage with the part, his lines or the audience.

The highlight was the portrayal of Simon by CJ de Mooi. The stage lit up every time he came on. He had by far the most difficult part to play and never once did he let his character drop.

His facial expressions were a joy to behold. The pace picked up whenever he was on stage.

If this performance is anything to go by then TV Egghead CJ has a wonderful career ahead of him.