We often hear about getting our ‘Five a Day’. I’m suggesting that you find time for nine. Here’s a great selection you could start off with.

1. Carrots have cholesterol-lowering properties plus are rich in Vitamin A. Perfect with dip.

2. Cherries are a great source of vitamin C. Great raw snack and ingredient for salads, sauces and even chutney.

3. Watercress is a ‘superfood’ because of disease-preventing properties. Ideal in soups.

4. Strawberries – such a superb source of vitamin C. A great addition to smoothies and pancakes

5. Asparagus – great supplier of folic acid, it’s a ‘must eat’ during pregnancy. Perfect in salads, pasta dishes and risottos, but also makes great ‘soldiers’ for kids to dunk in a boiled egg!

6. Pineapple contains a digestive enzyme called bromelain, which helps break down protein. Skewer a couple of chunks of pineapple as well as strawberries, grapes and blueberries

7. Daikon ‘mouli’, is very low in calories, but rich in cancer-fighting antioxidants. Grate into salads.

8. Pomegranate has high levels of antioxidants and vitamins A, C & E. Sprinkle on poached salmon.

9. Kale – is rich in calcium, iron and potassium, as well as vitamins A and C. Fabulous for stir fries.

Barbara Cox is a qualified nutritionist who runs healthy meal service, Nutrichef.

For more advice on eating healthily visit nutrichef.co.uk