So, are you still working out to that soggy old workout card that’s been in the local gym file for months or even years?

Or are you the type that runs out to buy the latest fitness or running magazine to see what’s in vogue with new buzz word workout sessions?

There’s nothing wrong with this but does it really work for you? A training programme works in conjunction with your training what is your plan?

If you can’t answer that, then how do you keep yourself motivated to either train before work or after work?

There are many Personal Trainers (PTs) out there who can help you plan your training programme.

However, you need to have a vision of what you want to achieve and your goal of what you want to get from the investment in effort and money.

So the way forward: Have your plan and use the experts (PT) to get you on the road to achieving your goal.

1. What do want to achieve? (weight loss/to run in your first 5k charity event/overcome a health scare?)

2. How much time can you commit?

3. Is the goal realistic in the time frame you have set?

4. Set short term goals to keep yourself motivated and able to see the progress you are making.

Next time, how to set out an outline training programme tailored for you.

  • Bernie Shrosbree, ex-SBS, is a high-performance athlete and coach.Bournemouthcollegiateschool