Pimperne villagers will be opening their gardens to the public during the first weekend in June to raise money for Julia’s House.

On Saturday and Sunday, June 1 and 2, from 12-5pm, visitors are invited to wander round 15-plus sumptuous gardens. There will also be teas, craft and plant sales.

The gardens of this North Dorset village come in all shapes and sizes and include low maintenance, plantsman and traditional cottage gardens, wildlife plots, a rose garden and even a sunken fruit garden.

“You name it, we’ve got it,” laughs organiser Claire Thomas. “There are so many different sorts of garden on show there’s something for everyone.

“Take George’s garden – it’s like five different gardens in one, it’s amazing.” Claire refers to gardener George Tapper’s meandering plot that has been divided up by clever planting and hard landscaping into a series of pretty rooms.

“We have gardens that have been in the National Open Garden scheme, garden designers, landscapers, sculpture in gardens, but most of all we are very proud to have real plantsmen and women, people who just love to garden and delight in showing them.”

This includes Claire’s own garden which also incorporates her studio. As an artist, a painter, Claire’s forte is choosing plant colour combinations. Results of her stunning ‘blends’ are much in evidence in the raised beds that wrap around her lawn.

Straddling a busy A road to Salisbury, Pimperne is one of those villages it is easy to fly past without a second thought.

Yet turn off the beaten track and you are immediately in the heart of an enchanting village with a pretty church, imposing houses, quaint cottages, leafy lanes.

The village open garden event had petered out but was revived by Claire and her fellow organiser and plantswoman Jane Stockdale.

Last year was the first open weekend after a break of several years.

“We just thought ‘why not get it going again?’ People enjoy it and we could be raising money for a good cause’.

“We raised £1,000 last year, but we think we can do better. We’re delighted to be raising funds for Julia’s House, it is such an honour to be able to help in a little way. We really hope people will enjoy coming along and exploring Pimperne.

Entry is £3.50 for adults, children go free. Tickets and a map of the gardens are available from the village hall. The hall is also the hub of the catering operation.

“Last year we were blown away by how many cakes were eaten,” said Claire. “Our resident Delia – Lesley Wiseman, surpassed herself. We’re all hoping for her speciality ricotta and orange scones. They went down a storm last time!”

There will be garden-related crafts on sale such as birdhouses, wooden hearts and flowers and Claire will be exhibiting some of her landscape paintings.

Pimperne is off the A354 Blandford to Salisbury Road. Parking is at the village hall.