Sustrans’ vision is a world in which people choose to travel in ways that benefit their health and the environment, and this applies to children just as much as it does to adults. The positive experiences of all the children are the culmination of more than 16 years of Sustrans and our officers working with schools and young people.

Without your support, many children would not have the opportunity to enjoy independent and active journeys in and around their communities, so a huge thank you from us on their behalf.

The long-term benefits of creating healthy and sustainable journeys will be shared by every one of us – in terms of our health, the environment and the wider economy A review of 14 studies concluded that participation in physical activity is positively related to academic performance.

In the South West region Sustrans’ 13 Schools Officers have run a total of nearly 500 events and activities attended by over 30,000 pupils, 1,500 school staff and 2,000 parents!

We are also pleased to report that regular cycling rates are 27 per cent, 95 per cent of teachers think pupils are more physically active and 23 per cent of parents walk more.

Want to know more? Then read ‘Transforming Young People’s Travel’, our report summarising our work with schools and young people, and the benefits this brings. It also includes academic research and case studies from schools and communities. Read the report at: