Businessman Mark Constantine is better known as the co-founder of Poole-based cosmetics company Lush.

But when he’s not busy in the lab creating new soaps, shampoos and body lotions, he is out and about around Dorset, indulging in his birdwatching passion.

Initially interested in plants, Mark was introduced to birdwatching by his wife Mo and is now a frequent visitor to Poole Harbour, Brownsea Island and Middlebere, where he spends time quietly reflecting on life and appreciating the beauty of birds and watching the changes during migration season.

In addition, Mark has a collection of more than 50,000 documented recordings.

“I am absolutely fascinated with all aspects of bird song and calls,” he said.

“I have travelled as far as Hokkaido in Japan to see hundreds of Steller’s Sea Eagles and the rarest bird I’ve been involved in finding is the Omani owl. This was found recently and is a new bird to science.

“My birdsong recordings from as far east as Tomsks in Russia and as far west as Cape Verde. The furthest north was the top of the Artic Circle and Morocco to the south, but I still mainly like to watch the birds locally. I’m happiest when I’m watching near home.”

The most treasured item in Mark’s birdsong collection is a very rare sound from an Andalusian Hemipode, but he still covets the Pied Wagtail song.

“They breed locally to me but that is one that I don't have,” said Mark, who added that Dorset was “superb” as a birdwatching and birdsong destination.

“Poole Harbour is one of the finest places in Britain for watching birds and hearing them sing,” he said.

“Although the Condor is a little bit noisy.”

Mark, whose friends and family are all birdwatchers, and think his collection is “fabulous”, added anyone could easily share his passion.

He said: “I think it’s important not to be patronised. Don’t think that just because you’re starting something new you can’t learn it accurately and to a very high standard. You can always start at a high standard and learn at high standard.

“I take every opportunity I have to go bird watching. It’s one of the advantages of being in charge at Lush.”