BRING some cheesy festive cheer to the dinner table this Christmas with this delicious, seasonal recipe from Cathedral City.

Warm those winter-chilled cockles with Chicken, Cheese and Chestnut Crumble.

So all together now - say cheese!

Chicken, Cheese and Chestnut Crumble

Serves 4

4 chicken breasts

450ml chicken stock

2 leeks, washed and sliced

40g butter

1 tbsp cornflour, blended to a paste with a little cold water

200g pack of chestnuts, each chestnut halved

1 heaped tbsp fresh sage, chopped

2 dessert apples, sliced

For the crumble:

200g plain flour

100g butter or spread, cubed (if using spread, chill in the freezer for five minutes first)

tsp mild paprika

100g grated Cheddar

Preheat the oven to 200C/gas mark 6. Gently poach the chicken in the stock for seven minutes.

Once poached, take off the heat, remove the chicken, allow to cool and cut into slices.

Bring the stock to the boil in a pan and cook the leeks for two minutes.

Drain and reserve the stock.

Then melt the butter, add the stock and stir in the cornflour paste. Cook for two minutes, stirring constantly.

Put the chicken, leeks, apples, chestnuts and sage in an ovenproof dish and mix together gently with your hands. Pour over the stock.

To make the crumble, rub the butter or spread into the flour until it resembles breadcrumbs.

Then add the cheese and mix into the crumble before scattering over the chicken.

Lastly, top with paprika and bake for at least 30 minutes until the crumble is brown.