YOU don’t have to be a trucker to fancy a full English breakfast, and a full English doesn’t have to be a plate full of enough grease to clog the arteries of half of Texas.

At cosy little Italian eaterie La Stalla, the full English breakfast is served for under a fiver straight from the grill, so all that nasty fat gets washed away with the dishes.

In its place sits a sumptuous, beautifully presented plate full of goodies, which will satisfy the hungriest of meat-eaters as well as the choosiest of vegetarians.

Me being the choosy one, I plumped for the large vegetarian English, which consisted of two Quorn sausages (it’s so nice to have a meat-like alternative for brekkie), two fried eggs, baked beans, a hash brown, seasoned mushrooms, a seasoned tomato and two slices of toast. My companion’s meaty option consisted of a Cumberland sausage, two strips of unsmoked back bacon, a fried egg, a hash brown, seasoned mushrooms, a seasoned tomato, baked beans and two slices of toast. Both of these also come in smaller plate sizes too, for those who can’t face the thought of quite so much food first thing in the morning – although the breakfast is available 9am to 2pm to sidestep that issue.

This delicious service has much to recommend it, not least the ethical nature of the produce – all the eggs are free range (and so they should be), vegetarians are well catered for and there’s also a soy milk option, which is good to see.

I can’t decide which is the best feature of La Stalla’s breakfast menu, however. It’s either the incredibly good value – the large full options are £3.99, with the option of a cup of tea or coffee for just £1 extra, and the smalls are £2.49 – or those aforementioned seasoned mushrooms which are, simply, to die for.

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