Sometimes in this universe things happen and it makes you stop and think about “life”. Well, in this case last night it was about what didn’t happen as opposed to what did.

Our electricity failed us in the middle of entertaining dinner guests. As the lights flickered and slowly dimmed to black we were left with only the warmth and subtle glow of three candles.

I quickly assured my guests we had not invited them here for a séance and sent the other half AKA “Himself”, to investigate. He returned some time later with news that the whole street had come out to investigate, and we should expect the electric back within two hours.

Having just served up my first attempt at Aubergine Parmigiana I was quietly thankful that our now dimly lit room would disguise any flaw in what was essentially my first attempt at cooking for friends since the birth of my baby daughter.

We soldiered on through dinner with Himself carrying and fetching more tea lights and checking on the baby whilst I struggled to dish up apple and cherry crumble with ice cream by the light of a quivering flame.

Once we were all settled again Himself pondered over the subject of technology. And as we sat there with nothing but a naked flame, good (I hope) food, and conversation with close friends, it was easy to see how the distractions caused by the modern day life can really take its toll on our mental health.

Sometimes it is essential that we switch everything off in order to switch on ourselves and remember that we have big brains full of thoughts and opinions and big hearts full of love to share.

We also have big bellies that need filling, so crack open a bottle of wine, settle down with some simple home cooked food, turn everything off and tune into you.

Nina will be back next week with some fabulous dinner party menus for you to try...