South Africans love their barbecues, which is traditionally known as a braai. They even have a national Braai Day on September 24. Just add sunny weather and friends, for a top class World Cup party.

South African Alfresco Beef Kebabs

Prep time:

10 mins, plus marinating time.

Cooking time:

(based on a 2cm/ 3/4inch thick steak)


2 and a half mins each side.


4 mins each side.

Well done:

6 mins each side.

1 1/2lb lean sirlon, rump or topside steaks, cut into 2.5cm/1 inch cubes

4floz Greek yoghurt

2tsp ground turmeric

1tsp English mustard powder or cayenne pepper

Salt and pepper

1 garlic clove, finely chopped

Grated zest of 1 lemon

10-12 cherry tomatoes

Chopped chives

1. In a shallow bowl, mix the yoghurt, turmeric, cayenne or mustard, seasoning and garlic. Coat the beef in the marinade on both sides. Cover and chill for an hour.

2. Thread the beef with the cherry tomatoes onto short metal or wooden skewers.

3. Cook on a prepared barbecue according to your preference.

4. Serve on a warm plate, sprinkle with chives and serve with a crisp salad.