FOR Simon Rahman, who runs both this takeaway and one in Tuckton, taste is everything.

He stole the headlines in the Daily Echo recently after opening up a restaurant to complement his Tuckton takeaway following 12 years of successful trading.

Opinion was split on his decision not to serve alcohol as he tried to move away from the British tradition of a curry and a beer. So, it was in that spirit that we enjoyed this takeaway sans booze. And it was a treat.

Before we got to the mains we enjoyed chicken chat to start. The taste was supreme and the chicken perfect with lots of flavour coming from the spices within. We complemented this with onion bhajis and keema nan.

The bhajis were very tasty and plentiful, with four good-sized offerings between us.

And the nan was the best I’d ever tasted. I’d not tried keema before and the mincemeat stuffed inside made it a filling side dish.

For the man who looks at the menu for ages without knowing what to have, there is an option. I went with the mixed kebab masala, which involved chicken tikka, lamb tikka, sheek kebab and king prawn in a rich creamy sauce. The sauce was a real winner for me, rich and creamy indeed and with a lovely coconut flavour.

The meat was generally very nice, the only exception being some (not all) of the bits of lamb. I’m thinking some of it was cooked for longer than others, as two of the three pieces I had were full of taste and fell apart, while one was a bit tougher.

This was also my other half’s only minor quibble, with her Lamb Chilli Masala suffering from the same problem.

But we’re nit picking, all in all this was a top-notch takeaway with lots of flavour – and there was plenty of it. The chilli masala was nice and spicy.

Our bill came to £21.60