Sienna owner Russell Brown, Dorset’s only Michelin-starred chef, shares his recipe for Swiss roll

The Swiss roll sponge is a great item to keep in the freezer for an impromptu dessert. It’s the classic roulade, layered with a mousse or just seasonal fruit, such as strawberries, and whipped cream.

Making it suitable for a gluten-free diet is also an easy change that doesn’t affect the recipe.

Strawberry Swiss Roll

  • 3 large Blackacre free range eggs, separated
  • 85g icing sugar, sifted
  • 30g cornflour
  • 30g plain flour or a gluten-free flour
  • Caster sugar to finish
  • Strawberries and whipped cream to serve

Lightly oil a Swiss roll tin app 250mm x 400mm and line with baking parchment. Pre heat the oven to 160°c.

Whisk the egg yolks with two-thirds of the sugar until pale and thick.

Whisk the egg whites with a clean whisk to soft peak and then whisk in the remaining sugar.

Continue to whisk until a stiff meringue is reached.

Whisk one-third of the meringue into the yolk and then fold in the remainder, continue until two-thirds mixed. Combine the two flours together and sift onto the egg mix, continue to fold together using the whisk until the flour is just incorporated.

Pour into the prepared tray and spread as evenly as possible.

Bake for 10-12 minutes until risen and golden brown.

The sponge should be just firm to the touch.

Remove from the oven and sprinkle the surface with caster sugar.

Cover the sponge with a sheet of baking parchment and carefully invert onto a cooling wire.

Remove the paper from the bottom.

If you want to use the sponge for a Swiss roll or roulade trim the edges and roll up with the baking parchment while still warm.

The parchment is rolled ‘into’ the sponge to prevent it sticking together when you come to unroll it, this should also prevent the sponge from cracking. Once cooled unroll and fill with strawberries and whipped cream, or as required.

Alternatively leave to cool covered with a tea towel.

The sponge can be frozen either rolled up or in sheets, just wrap well in cling film with baking parchment between the layers if in sheets.

  • Follow Russell on Twitter @siennadorset