Tony Beales, Managing Director of Beales Gourmet at The Italian Villa, shares one of the popular dishes from their multi award-winning venue, and one that is just perfect for the new year

Ham Hock & Baby Leek Terrine, Deconstructed Piccalilli & Ciabatta Toast

To make 4 portions you will need:

  • 1 fresh local ham hock
  • Baby leeks
  • Seasoning
  • Assorted vegetables and caper berries
  • Piccalilli Ciabatta bread

Simmer the ham hock for around 4/5 hours or until tender with bay leaves, peppercorns, fresh thyme, juniper berries, parsley stalks, whole garlic and a basic ‘mirepoix’.

Skim the foam (or impurities) from the top of the liquid during cooking. Remove the hock from the pot and leave to cool, then reduce the cooking liquor by half. Strain the cooking liquor and leave to cool.

Flake the meat from the hock and gently mix with chopped parsley and baby capers (optional).

Line the top of your terrine moulds with cooked baby leeks then place the meat mixture on top.

Taste the cooking liquor and season appropriately before adding some setting agent (we use agar agar). You won’t need much as there is gelatine already in the liquor from the ham hock. Pour the liquor over the terrine and chill until set.

To serve: Turn out your terrine and garnish with pickled vegetables, caper berries, smooth piccalilli, warm ciabatta toast and fresh pea shoots.