AS World Cup fever continues to hold the nation in its grip, students at Longfleet CE Combined School in Poole are tackling the issues surrounding fair trade and the rights of the child this week by taking part in the interactive play, Surya’s Story.

Written by Sharon Muiruri and staged as a result of Wave’s creative partnerships, Surya’s Story follows a little girl from India who sews footballs for a living in difficult conditions.

One day a dancer called Ram (played by Vinodh Mehay) visits her village. Surya is transfixed and stops sewing the footballs and joins in with the dancing.

This angers the middleman (Pardip Kumar) who has to make sure the orders are made up for all those big corporations in the west.

Surya runs away to join the Global March to protest against the working conditions for children.

The play also includes Iraqi actress Furat Mahdi and Indian musician Teejay Bansal.

“Even though improvements have been made due to public outcry still children can be found in countries such as India and Bangladesh and Pakistan sewing footballs for very little money,” says Sharon.

By the end of the week every child at Longfleet will have had the opportunity not only to see Surya’s Story but also to participate in arts workshops.