FUTURE Glastonbury stars could be taking their first steps on the muddy road to fame and misfortune next weekend when Forest Arts, New Milton, hosts its first Young Bands Night.

Organised by The Edge Project, a Hampshire Museums and Galleries Trust initiative to actively engage young people aged 14-24 with the arts, the July 3 gig will be headlined by Framework with support from We Have No Friends.

“We are really pleased to be headlining this gig and hope that there will be a good crowd there to enjoy our music,” says Chris Wood of Framework.

“New Milton is my home town so this means a lot to me. We are a young indie rock group from Hampshire and Dorset. Our songs are about teenage lifestyles and urban love.”

The Edge Project has funding to organise and create new things for youngsters to become involved with.

“We are looking for young people who would be interested in meeting regularly to discuss arts and activity provision for young people in the area,” says advisor Felicity Crabb.

“We hope they will share ideas and plan new events, exhibitions and events for their peers – this could include regular gigs for young musicians in the New Milton area.”

To find out more email felicity.crabb@hants.gov.uk