Bournemouth Echo - Memorials

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Death Notice


Published on 28/11/2013

OWEN PETER DOUGLAS On 12 November 2013, suddenly at his home, aged 86 years. He will be greatly missed by his Wife Joan, Son Stephen, Daughter Lesley, Son-in-law Michael, Grandchildren Dominic, Tiffany, Lydia, Gareth and Katie and Great Grandchildren Erin and Ellie. A Celebration of Peter's life will take place at Trinity United Reformed Church, Sutton Road, Bournemouth on Monday 2nd December at 10.45a.m. No Black to be worn please. Family flowers only please, donations if desired for The British Heart Foundation may be sent to Alan Rice & Tapper Funeral Service, 987, Wimborne Road, Moordown, Bournemouth, Bh9 2BS or made online at


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