RYAN PETER DOMINEY aged 23 of Fairfield Way, Stevenage. Admitted theft of a handbag and its contents on Poole Quay. Community order made to have treatment for drug dependency under direction of Hertfordshire Drug and Alcohol Recovery for nine months. Costs of £85. Order to restore £80 to Diane John.

ANDREW DAVID HOLMES-EVANS aged 55 of Ashwood Drive, Broadstone. Admitted exceeding the 70mph speed limit on the A35 Bere Regis. Fined £410. To pay victim surcharge of £15. Costs of £35. Licence endorsed with six points.

ANTHONY DAVID COLE aged 32 of Ashley Road, Poole. Sentenced for original offence in respect of which a community order was made on November 12, possessing knife blade/pointed article at Homebase at Redlands, Poole. Committed to prison for 20 weeks. Also sentenced for original offence in respect of which a community order was made on November 12 – assault by beating. Committed to prison for 12 weeks concurrent. Also admitted theft of two Pac A Parka jackets worth £36 from Sainsbury’s Supermarket. No separate penalty. Also admitted failing to comply with a community order imposed by East Dorset Magistrates on November 12 by failing to reside at Bosence Farm Community and failing to keep in contact with supervising officer. No adjudication. Also admitted stealing cosmetics worth £64.95 from Superdrug Poole. No separate penalty. Also sentenced for original offence in respect of which a community order was made on November 12 – failing to surrender to custody after being released on bail. No separate penalty. Also sentenced for original offence in respect of which a community order was made on November 12 – theft of drill bit and items worth £515.44 from Homebase, Redlands, Poole. No separate penalty. Overall sentence 20 weeks.

JASON COLIN MATTOCKS aged 26 of Princess Road, Poole. Admitted fraudulent use of a vehicle registration mark on Alder Road, Poole. Fined £127. To pay victim surcharge of £15. Costs of £40. Also admitted being in possession of 2.5 grammes of cannabis, a class B drug. No separate penalty.

EDUARDO ABDO TOZO aged 40 of Albert Road, Parkstone. Admitted driving a Ford on Lowther Road, Bournemouth otherwise than in accordance with a licence. Fined £65. To pay victim surcharge of £15. Costs of £35. Licence endorsed with three points.