IT’S been a long 60 weeks for Barry Light – but the end is now in sight.

Barry, from West Cliff, Bournemouth, began a mammoth challenge on his 60th birthday in December 2011 – running 60 marathons in 60 weeks.

The grandfather, who carried the Olympic Torch last year for The Wessex Autistic Society, has so far tackled events in Barcelona, Rome and Sydney, as well as London, in a bid to raise £60,000 for charity.

Keen runner Barry has been averaging one marathon a week, but still has seven more to complete.

He aims to finish his challenge with “26 and a bit” laps of the one-mile track at Littledown sports centre on February 17.

Barry said: “It’s all going okay. I’ve had a bit of a rest over the Christmas period and I am looking forward to finishing it. It has become a bit of a grind and interfered a bit with family life.

“But I’ve always been determined to complete it.”

Highlights for Barry include the Barcelona and Rome marathons, as well as the famous London Marathon.

While he started off completing races in less than four hours, Barry said his times have increased.

“Now they’re getting more like five hours or five-and-a-half hours,” he said.

“Between marathons you can’t really train, it’s about rest and recovery. Plus I’m 61 now – it was my birthday in December.”

Barry, who had already completed 29 marathons before he started on his challenge, now wants to take his total up to 100 by the end of the year.

He said: “I’m going to have a bit of a rest, but the plan is to carry on running marathons. I want to get to my 100th marathon which is going to be the new Bournemouth Marathon in October.”

Barry has so far raised around £5,000, which will be split between the Wessex Autistic Society, WaterAid, Team BP, Mosaic and Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance.

But he is still hoping to boost the total and has stuck to his promise that all donations will go direct to the charities and not used for his own expenses.

Barry said he was looking forward to completing the challenge in his hometown.

He added: “People can join in and do a few laps. It will be a bit of a family fun day as well, with a big party afterwards.”

To find out more, or sponsor Barry, visit