THE next full council meetings at Christchurch and East Dorset will be broadcast live over the internet.

The meetings – which take place at East Dorset on Monday February 25 at 6.30pm and Tuesday February 26 at 6pm –include the setting of the council tax and approval to submit the core strategy to the planning inspectorate for public examination.

Due to the level of public interest in the core strategy and limited space in the councils’ chambers, officers encouraging people to watch the council meetings online.

Anyone wishing to address the meeting at East Dorset or raise a question at Christ-church is advised to contact the democratic services team on 01202 886201 extension 2403.

There are time limits, deadlines and a restriction on the number of representations that can be made at any one time.

Cllr Ray Nottage, leader of Christchurch Borough Coun-cil, added: “Enabling the meetings to be watched over the internet will allow residents to listen to the debate without worrying about gaining access to the actual meetings.”

The web cast feeds will be live roughly 15 minutes prior to the council meetings and can be viewed online at