CHILDREN’S favourite SpongeBob SquarePants was among the guests of honour at the official opening of Bere Regis £60,000 play park.

Members of the Bere Regis Community Play Association (BRCPA) joined scores of youngsters, parents and residents during a grand fete to mark the achievement.

The event included stalls, face-painting and live music.

Fiona Bardwell, of the BRCPA, said: “The park was opened by SpongeBob SquarePants, the kids were pretty chuffed.

“Jamie Jigsaw showed up and we had music from Nina Garcia too. There were plenty of stalls and on the day itself we raised over £1,500 in donations and monies from stalls.”

Among those attending was BRCPA chairman Robin Pitcher, who opened the park alongside SpongeBob. Representatives of Viridor, who made a significant donation to the project, also attended.