THOMAS MARTIN FRANKLIN aged 19 of Cockwood Lane, Beaminster. Admitted that he dishonestly made off without having paid for fuel on four separate occasions. Discharge conditionally for two years. To pay compensation totalling £206.37. To pay victim surcharge of £15. Costs of £85. Also admitted the theft of scrap metal, value unknown. Discharged conditionally for two years.

RYAN JON DEAN aged 24 of Princess Road, Poole. Admitted failing to surrender to custody at Bournemouth Magistrates Court having been released on bail. Fined £100. To pay victim surcharge of £25.

CRAIG DAVID BROCK aged 22 of Salterns Way, Poole. Admitted being possession of a quantity of cannabis, a Class B drug. Discharged conditionally for 12 months. To pay victim surcharge of £15. Costs of £85. Also admitted failing to surrender to custody at Bournemouth Magistrates Court having been released on bail. Fined £100. To pay victim surcharge of £20.

EVE BROADBANK aged 61 of Haskells Road, Poole. Admitted being the parent of a child of compulsory school age, who was registered at St Aldhelm’s Academy and failed to attend regularly at that school. Discharged conditionally for 12 months. Costs of £50.

CAROLYN IVY BROWN aged 20 of Frobisher Avenue, Poole. Admitted assaulting a constable in the execution of his/her duty at Frobisher Avenue, Poole. Fined £160. To pay compensation of £50. To pay victim surcharge of £20.

KENNETH MCWILLIAMS aged 76 of Scott Close, Poole. Admitted driving a BMW on Wallisdown Road with 67 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. Fined £400. To pay victim surcharge of £40. Costs of £85. Disqualified from holding a driving licence for 17 months. To be reduced by 129 days if the defendant satisfactorily completes a course approved by the Secretary of State. Licence endorsed.

SAM ADAM MAPLE aged 22 of Grove Road, Poole. Admitted criminal damage of two glass panes belonging to Poole Housing Partnership. To pay compensation of £73.69. Costs of £85. Also admitted assault by beating a women. Committed to prison for six week suspended for two years. The defendant required to have treatment for alcohol dependency for six months. Also admitted a further offence whilst subject to order of conditional discharge for 12 months. No action taken on breach. Also admitted sending by means of a public electronic communications network a message that was grossly offensive. Sentence as above. Restraining order made.

GARY MARTIN MOONEY aged 31 Mallard Road, Bournemouth. Admitted breach of a non-molestation order. Fined £400. To pay victim surcharge of £40. Costs of £85.

JORDAN CONNOR OLIVE aged 18 of Larkshill Avenue, Muscliffe. Admitted assault by beating a women. Committed to detention for six weeks suspended for two years. Defendant to participate in Integrated Domestic Abuse Programme for 27 days. Restraining order made. To pay compensation of £50. Also admitted a further offence whilst subject to order of conditional discharge for 12 months. No action taken on breach.