A NEW toadstool has appeared at a Christchurch play area for youngsters as part of an ongoing open
spaces initiative.
The toadstool, a piece of play equipment for children to jump over at Endfield Road play area on
Jumpers Common, has been funded by Fields in Trust and ASDA Castlepoint.
It was paid for by customers and staff at ASDA Castlepoint.  ASDA is the principal partner in the
Queen Elizabeth II Fields Challenge which protected more than 1,500 open spaces during the Jubilee
year of 2012.
Jumpers Common was one of three open spaces in Christchurch protected last year under the QE
II Fields Challenge campaign, which is run by Fields in Trust.
Ward councillors Colin Bungey and Fred Neale were on hand as the toadstool was unveiled and
thanked Fields in Trust and ASDA for their contribution and support for the local community.