Residents from across Turlin Moor got together to enjoy an Easter-themed gathering at the Poole Housing Partnership backed community garden.

The Easter eggstravaganza, organised by local residents and supported by PHP, was enjoyed by almost 70 visitors competing in egg-and-spoon races, making their own omelettes and having a go at egg throwing.

Children also got the chance to make their own soft rabbits to take home, as well as get up close with friendly petting chickens. A free lunch was also on offer.

“It was fantastic to see so many people turn out on such a cold day,” said Clare Sutton, resident involvement co-ordinator at PHP.

“Everyone really enjoyed the activities, particularly the egg throwing competition, which inevitably got very messy.”

The Turlin Moor Community Garden was launched in 2012, funded by the National Lottery Local Food Fund, to encourage residents to grow their own food.

Seven local residents have been elected to a new management committee to run the garden. Chairman Megan Southey said: “The Easter extravaganza was a really fun day out which was enjoyed by all.

“I would like to thank all the people who donated raffle prizes and generally helped support the event. We're looking forward to hosting more events in the future.”