YOUR work could end up in the latest of the Dorset Echo's best-selling series of photographic books.

Last year's book, featuring local scenes and shots from the Olympic Games action in Dorset, was a bestseller.

The Daily Echo has once again teamed up with the Dorset Echo and Castle Cameras to launch a great competition encouraging photographers and readers to submit images capturing the beauty, variety and character of Dorset's towns and villages.

Photographs can be of street scenes, landmarks, harbours and beaches, churches and anything that captures the best of Dorset.

Readers are being invited to send in pictures which could stand along our staff photographers' shots in the next book, set to be called Dorset: A Photographic Journey Through Towns and Villages.

The top five will be published in the Daily Echo and Dorset Echo and then put to a public vote to choose the ultimate winner.

The winning photographer will claim £100 worth of Castle Cameras vouchers and have their picture and byline included in the book.

The best of the entries may also be included in the new book.

We will contact entrants if their images are selected to feature.

Only one entry is permitted per email and entries must be submitted at approximately A4 size at 300 dpi. You can enter as many times as you like. The photograph must have been taken by the entrant.

Entrants must be sure to include their name, age, address, telephone number and email address, as well as a brief description of the location or event and the time of year the picture was taken. To enter, email your picture to

Images will appear in online gallery

Submitting an image to the competition is giving consent for the Dorset Echo and Daily Echo to reproduce the image free of charge in its newspapers, the Dorset Book Series, other Newsquest publications and social media platforms.

Selected images from the competition will appear in our online gallery

It is at the discretion of the editor which images appear. The closing date for entries is May 31 2013. Usual terms and conditions apply.