BOURNEMOUTH'S troubled V Club has a new man at the helm but the venue remains closed until councillors give him the go-head to reopen.

Owner Gary Bennetton is now the new licensee of the club in Exeter Road and has vowed to turn it around and open a safe venue.

The club has been closed since February 12 following a serious incident when reveller Ben Selby was slashed across the face with a knife.

Mr Bennetton, who has run the Orange Rooms in Southampton for over 12 years, has applied to Bournemouth council for a new premises licence for V in respect of the church building.

Another operator - Hamptons (Dorset) Limited - has already submitted a licence for the other part of the building to run it as Hampton's Lounge Bar and Restaurant.

The council was due to make a decision on Mr Benetton's application on Tuesday at a hearing, but in the end granted the licence after Dorset Police withdrew their objection.

Speaking to the Echo, Mr Bennetton said: “We have worked very hard in relation to our new application to engage with the police, who we believe are now satisfied that we are nothing to do with the previous owners and that we are competent operators.”

He has provided a number of new measures to ensure the venue complies with its licensing conditions, including using a new door team and operating from the church side only.

Mr Bennetton added: “We have had great support from local people and would like to thank them for all of their comments posted on the Facebook page. We have taken the comments on board and very much hope that we are allowed to reopen in April with the support of both the council and the police.”

The club owner said he is also looking at the allowing the building to be used by community groups during the day. Email him at

Previously the club's licence was held by James Beedham, a long-time business associate of Richard Carr.

It was then transferred to two holding companies called Ace of Clubs and Vee Asset Ltd.

The club was transferred again to Richard Carr's 18-year-old son Jacob Carr before the licence was revoked.