A LANDOWNER who hoped to build a dentist’s surgery in Verwood will appeal against the council’s rejection of the plans.

Ian Spencer, who now lives in Spain, applied for planning permission to put a single-storey building on scrubland in Howe Lane.

However, concerns about parking and traffic chaos led to East Dorset District Council’s planning committee turning down the proposals, despite an NHS dentist confirming an interest in the building.

Mr Spencer said: “I am going to appeal the decision.

“I’ve come back especially from Spain to see this through. I know there has been a lot of support for the dentist from local people, and even the mayor has been supportive of it. It’s terribly disappointing to see this get turned down.”

Councillors found that the proposed site of the new building would appear cramped and could be detrimental to the street scene.

However, Mr Spencer said the objections were ‘ridiculous’.

“On that road, we’ve got a thatched cottage, a youth club, a school, bungalows, houses – it’s one of the most diverse streets in Verwood,” he said.

“To go on about the street scene is absolutely ridiculous. The councillors were also worried about the number of cars that could be parking there. I’ve spoken to the dentist and he thinks most of his customers will be pupils visiting during school hours from the schools over the road. That’s not going to add any traffic.”

The site cannot be developed for housing as it is within 400 metres of Dewlands Common, which is protected heathland.

Mr Spencer said: “Ten years ago, a planning officer said to me that the land will remain as it is for 100 years.

“He said it would never change and no-one would ever be allowed to build on it. Lots of new homes are planned but there are only two NHS dentists. It seems ridiculous to me.”