A NURSE has been given a national award for her care just weeks after her retirement.

Wendy Statter, a district nurse at Penny’s Hill Practice in Ferndown, won the Florence Nightingale Foundation Chairman’s Award for Compassionate Nursing Care after being nominated by a patient’s wife.

Jenny O’Sullivan’s husband Michael was treated by Wendy and her team for eight months for his leg ulcers and feet ischemia.

“It is an absolutely perfect end to my time in nursing,” Wendy said.

“I could not be more delighted. It’s absolutely lovely and I’m thrilled.”

Wendy attended a special ceremony on March 12 at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London to receive her award.

She said: “It was a beautiful evening.

“I’m over the moon to have won the award. It’s something that is very close to my heart so it means a lot to me.”

The nurse, who started her career more than 40 years ago at the age of 18, arranged for nurses to visit Mr O’Sullivan’s home twice a day to support him in his recovery.

His wife said: “They never gave up and the most amazing thing is that they reached my husband and gave him hope.”

Sadly, Mr O’Sullivan died earlier this year.

Wendy said: “I really wanted to win it for Jenny and Mick.

“They nominated me in the first place, which was a wonderful thing to do. I wanted to do my best for them.”

Wendy will spend her retirement visiting family and friends and walking.

“My husband will retire later this year too, so we’ll probably go on a nice holiday too,” she said.

“I’ve had some lovely cards and letters from patients I met 12 or 15 years ago, so it’s been very nice indeed.

“I miss everyone already and I know they were rooting for me to get this award, so it really is wonderful.”