REPAIR work started on Poole Bridge yesterday with a two-hour closure to road traffic.

Despite the problem with the Twin Sails Bridge on Tuesday afternoon, which meant it was out of action, Borough of Poole engineers are going ahead with work on the old bridge.

Today and tomorrow the 86-year-old lifting bridge will be closed to road traffic from the 9.30am bridge lift, re-opening after the 11.30am lift.

This will allow the flashing signals to be replaced, which alert motorists and pedestrians to the closure of the traffic barriers.

John Rice, engineering and maintenance manager, said: “By closing the bridge during these periods and with the Twin Sails Bridge operating as normal, disruption to road users will be kept to a minimum.

“We would like to thank local people for their patience and understanding while these works are carried out.”

Further work to replace the traffic barriers is likely to take place next week.

“We have made significant progress to reduce the issues recently experienced on the Twin Sails Bridge,” added Mr Rice.