A DEDICATED Poole teaching assistant has been named best in the south west for her work at Sylvan First School.

Hilda Beddard has been announced winner of the Pearson Teaching Award for Teaching Assistant of the Year 2013 for the south west region after more than 16 years at the school.

She received a standing ovation from staff, parents and pupils when she was presented with her award during a special school assembly on Friday.

The 61-year-old, who retires this year, was selected from over 24,000 nominations after she was put forward by appreciative head teacher Sarah Lee, who praised her “exception contribution to school life”.

She added: “She has always had the children at the forefront of whatever she does. She is very committed to her role as teaching assistant and always looking to inspire the children to make good or better progress.

“She is the consummate professional – very highly thought of and very much appreciated by staff and children alike.”

Hilda, who is also a support staff governor at the school, said she was part of a big team, adding: “Everyone works so well together to produce a fantastic school.”

She also stressed the importance of the role of teaching assistant, about which she is passionate, adding: “I absolutely love it.

“It is a wonderful role and I feel it should be raised in the public’s perceptions.

“Hopefully this award will bring attention to the work teaching assistants do in Borough of Poole and particularly at Sylvan.”

The Pearson Teaching Awards are an annual celebration of exceptional teachers and teaching. Founded in 1999 by Lord Puttnam, they recognise the life-changing impact of an inspirational teacher on the lives of the young people they teach.

Hilda will now join fellow winners at the UK final of the Teaching Awards on October 20, filmed in London and broadcast by the BBC.

Rod Bristow, president of Pearson UK, said: “We want to recognise and support inspirational teachers, for their commitment to teaching and learning and improving the next generation’s life chances.”

  •  Ringwood School’s Claire Waine was also celebrating after she won the title of Teaching Assistant of the Year for the south east in the same awards. Mrs Waine was given her award in front of pupils on Friday. Headteacher Chris Edwards said of her: “Role model, problem solver, listener, guide, mentor – Claire does not simply do her job, she lives it.”