RESIDENTS in Upton had their power cut off for the second time in six days on Sunday.

Households in the Tree Hamlets area were affected by a fault on an underground cable network.

A spokesperson for Southern Electric said 10 customers were off from 1.30pm.

One was put back on by 2.15pm but to allow engineers to carry out further repairs to the network, another 10 customers had their power cut off from 7.30pm-10pm.

The remaining nine affected customers had their power restored by 1.45am this morning. 

The power cut is the latest in a number of incidents in the past few weeks which has seen thousands of homes and businesses without power for hours.

The last was on Tuesday evening when 1,200 homes lost their electricity.

The spokesperson said: "We take any interruptions to service seriously.

"Although there have been a number of faults previously in the area, they are not connected.

"The fault at Tree Hamlets was on a very short piece of the underground cable network.

"Our priority is to keep the lights on and when there is a fault such as this and previously unrelated faults, we will do everything we can to repair it and investigate it."

Last week, a spokesperson for the company said the fault was with underground cables and they were trying to rectify it.