A DORSET woman is calling on girls and women to join in the fight against cancer and sign up to the new Bournemouth afternoon race.

Maggie Love knows only too well how important research into cancer is after her daughter Beth was diagnosed with cervical cancer at the age of 37.

Beth, who lives in Hong Kong, had regular smear tests. A year before, a test showed up abnormalities but a follow-up test was clear.

It was following her next annual check-up last November that Beth was sent for further tests which confirmed she had cancer.

Speaking of the moment she discovered the news, Maggie, 61, of Sturminster Marshall, said: “She was sitting crying. I knew I had to stay strong for her, but it was the most devastating day of my entire life. I couldn’t believe she had this horrid disease.

“She had always been so fit and healthy and had regular smear tests. As a mum I will never get over being told my little girl had cancer. It is devastating enough, but even worse when they are 6,073 miles away”.

Four months on after treatment, Beth is in remission and Maggie plans to celebrate by taking part in Race for Life.

She hopes other mums and daughters will sign up to the 2pm race along Bournemouth seafront on Sunday, June 16, and help raise more than £250,000.

Maggie said: “I have taken part in Race for Life twice and I love the atmosphere, but I expect this year to be the most poignant and emotional ever.”

She will be running Race for Life with her sister, Marilyn and cousin Rosalyn Rowthorn, from Southampton.

Rachel Northover, the event’s manager, said: “I hope Beth’s inspiring story will motivate others to take part. Come and join us and hit cancer where it hurts. There are over 200 cancers and we won’t give up until we find cures for them all.

“It’s fighting talk, but we mean every word we say.”

To enter Race for Life visit www.raceforlife.org or call 0845 600 6050.