A FORMER schoolmaster has gone on trial accused of indecent assault against a child.

Peter Newson-Smith, former teacher at Clayesmore Preparatory School near Blandford, is charged with two counts of indecent assault alleged to have taken place in the 1980s.

Giving evidence, the alleged victim told the jury at Dorchester Crown Court Newson-Smith told him he wanted to perform an ‘experiment’ before indecently assaulting him. He said he did not tell anyone at the time because he was embarrassed.

The alleged victim said the abuse happened on around 10 to 15 occasions but could not say over what period of time.

He said Newson-Smith, aged 66, also asked him to pose naked and took photographs of him.

When asked by Robin Leach, defending, why he had not contacted police directly when he first made the allegations in 2011, the alleged victim said: “I could alert the police but I didn’t think they would spend an awful lot of time and resource on investigating something like this. I believed this would be low on the priority list.”

Newson-Smith, of Burton Street, Marnhull denies the charges.

The trial continues.