A school turned itself yellow after holding a special fundraiser in support of a member of staff.

Pupils and teachers at St Mary’s First School in West Moors donned yellow clothing in support of the Meningitis Trust, after teaching assistant, Sammy Lee, 24, came up with the idea, after contracting the condition as a child.

She said: “I was 11 when it happened, and I went home from school with a headache and was rushed into intensive care in hospital the next day. “They thought I wouldn’t make it, but because I was quite healthy and active, I think that is the reason I did.

She added: “Just a month after I had the Meningitis B jab, I contracted Meningitis C. “Every term St Mary’s do a fundraiser and it seemed relevant to raise money to fund research for others affected by it.

“We have 135 children here and every single one came with at least one item of yellow.

“Every child was also sent home with a symptom card in their book bags so they and their parents know what to look for.”

St Mary’s First School raised £213 from their fundraising efforts, which included a special assembly, led by a parent whose child had meningitis and a cake sale.

Monty the Duck, the Meningitis Trust mascot, was also on hand to greet the children and took a trip over the road to West Moors Pre-school opposite St Mary’s to encourage them to join in the yellow-themed fun.