ALEXANDER CONSTANTINO KATSAROS aged 20 of Cedar Avenue, Christchurch. Admitted driving a VW Passat on Richmond Park Road, Bournemouth with 42 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. Fined £300. To pay victim surcharge of £30. Costs £85. Disqualified from holding or obtaining a driving licence for 12 months. To be reduced by 90 days if the defendant satisfactorily completes a course approved by the Secretary of State.

JAMES LOUIS COLLINGWOOD aged 42 of Ambleside Gardens, Southampton. Admitted driving a Ford car on the A338, Wessex Way, Bournemouth at a speed exceeding 50 miles per hour. Fined £60. To pay victim surcharge of £20. Licence endorsed with three points.

LOGAN CAIRNEY aged 46 of no fixed abode. Admitted assault by beating. Conditional discharge of 18 months.

To pay victim surcharge of £15. Costs £85.

MICHAEL JOHN WILSON aged 44 of no fixed abode. Admitted interference with a trailer, an Abbey Oxford Touring Caravan, with the intention that an offence of theft of the said trailer or part of it should be committed. Conditional discharge of 12 months. To pay victim surcharge of £15.

VICTORIA MESSER of no fixed abode. Admitted failing to comply with the requirements of a community order. No adjudication – dealt with for original offence. Also sentenced for original offence in respect of which a community order was made in October 2012 – using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour at Christchurch railway station. Committed to prison for eight weeks. Also sentenced for another offence in respect of which a community order was made in October 2012 – assaulting a constable in the execution of his duty at Christchurch railway station. Committed to prison for eight weeks concurrent with above.